Old Dundalk Society Lecture
The Old Dundalk Society is delighted to announce the first lecture in their 2023 Winter season of lectures. The lecture is entitled ‘Fane Valley’- A house and its occupants, gone but not forgotten. The lecture tells the story of ‘Fane Valley’ house and its occupants. The lecture will take place in the County Museum Jocelyn Street, Dundalk, on Thursday the 9th of November commencing at 8.00 pm sharp. The lecture will be presented by Conor M. J. Kenny, Irish Country House enthusiast. Conor has a large following for his Facebook blog pages Irish Country Houses and Old Irish Buildings and places. He has been researching, photographing, and writing about Country Houses in Ireland for many years and has a particular interest in the ‘Big Houses ‘of County Louth. The audience will be guaranteed a stimulating and interesting lecture on the night. Patrons are advised to come early as there is limited seating capacity available in the venue. Refreshments served after lecture. Voluntary contributions at door.