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Housing and Living Conditions in Dundalk 1900 – 1960

The Old Dundalk Society says it is delighted to announce the commencement of their Winter Lecture series. The first lecture entitled ‘Housing and Living Conditions in Dundalk 1900-1960’ will take place on Wednesday 9 November 2022 at 8.00 pm at the Louth County Museum Dundalk.

At the dawning of the twentieth century Dundalk was facing a housing crisis. Many people lived in overcrowded and insanitary conditions in courts opening on to the main thoroughfare’ Using maps, graphs, and tables this presentation will plot these developments. Contemporary sources, and oral history testimony will lend understanding to the impetus for change, the environment and community spirit prevailing in condemned areas, and the resistance encountered throughout the process.

The presentation will be given by local man, with long family ties to the community, Dr. Charles Flynn B.A., PhD. Charles (Charlie) obtained his degree in Music and History as a mature student at N.U.I Maynooth. Later he was granted a PhD. for his thesis Dundalk 1900-1960 – An Oral History.

Charlie has addressed the Royal Irish Academy, and various other institutes throughout Ireland, and international oral history gatherings in Rome, Italy and Cambridge University, England.

Due to the limited capacity of the venue, attendees are advised to come early. Refreshments served after lecture. Voluntary contributions at door.